Saturday, November 29, 2008


Welp, Thankzgiving is over. Our relatives from Chicago are here, we are having a blast. I'll give you a 'quick analyisis'

Wednesday- They arrived, we played games.

Thursday-(Thankzgiving)- We played football all morning. Had Thankzgiving dinner around 2:03. Watched some lame football games. Went ice skating! yey!

Friday(2day)-We all slept in. I am sore. So since we are all so tired we decided it would be a good idea to play hockey.... yeah... Went to Moe's.(I had Arby's)

Saturday- TBD

Throughout all these days we have played games. And had a great time.


P.S. I dont know why i kept writing thankzgiving w/ the z... maybe itz cuz im tired.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's up?

Yup... I havn't posted for a while (sry!) Well i don't really know what to post about....hmmm.......well most of y'all know we're adopting =] yey! I'm excited, we are adopting from Ethiopia. If you have any good names please comment them on!
Thats all for today folks!

Monday, November 3, 2008